n. 25B6; noun
a bill for £6 : INVOICE, account, statement, list of charges; N. Amer. check; humorous the damage; N. Amer. informal tab; archaic reckoning, score.
a parliamentary bill : DRAFT LAW, proposed piece of legislation, proposal, measure.
she was top of the bill : PROGRAMME (OF ENTERTAINMENT), line-up; N. Amer. playbill.
(N. Amer.) a $10 bill : BANKNOTE, note; US informal greenback; US & historical Treasury note.
he had been posting bills : POSTER, advertisement, public notice, announcement; flyer, leaflet, handbill; Brit. fly-poster; N. Amer. dodger; informal ad; Brit. informal advert.
25B6; verb
please bill me for the work : INVOICE, charge, debit, send a statement to.
the concert went ahead as billed : ADVERTISE, announce; schedule, programme, timetable; N. Amer. slate.
he was billed as the new Sean Connery : DESCRIBE, call, style, label, dub; promote, publicize, talk up; informal hype.