n. 25B6; verb
(Brit. informal) I fancied a change of scene : WISH FOR, want, desire; long for, yearn for, crave, thirst for, hanker after, dream of, covet; informal have a yen for; archaic be desirous of.
(Brit. informal) she fancied him : BE ATTRACTED TO, find attractive, be infatuated with, be taken with, desire; lust after, burn for; informal have a crush on, have the hots for, be crazy about, have a thing about, have a soft spot for, carry a torch for.
I fancied I could see lights : THINK, imagine, believe, be of the opinion, be under the impression; informal reckon.
25B6; adjective fancy clothes : ELABORATE, ornate, ornamental, decorative, adorned, embellished, intricate; ostentatious, showy, flamboyant; luxurious, lavish, extravagant, expensive; informal flash, flashy, jazzy, ritzy, snazzy, posh, classy; Brit. informal swish.
25B6; noun
his fancy to own a farm : DESIRE, urge, wish; inclination, whim, impulse, notion, whimsy; yearning, longing, hankering, craving; informal yen, itch.
I've a fancy they want to be alone : IDEA, notion, thought, supposition, opinion, belief, impression, understanding; feeling, suspicion, hunch, inkling.