n., adj., & v.
--n. (pl. -ies)
1. an individual taste or inclination (take a fancy to).
2 a caprice or whim.
3 a thing favoured, e.g. a horse to win a race.
4 an arbitrary supposition.
5 a the faculty of using imagination or of inventing imagery. b a mental image.
6 delusion; unfounded belief.
7 (prec. by the) those who have a certain hobby; fanciers, esp. patrons of boxing.
--adj. (usu. attrib.) (fancier, fanciest)
1. ornamental; not plain.
2 capricious, whimsical, extravagant (at a fancy price).
3 based on imagination, not fact.
4 US (of foods etc.) above average quality.
5 (of flowers etc.) particoloured.
6 (of an animal) bred for particular points of beauty etc.
--v.tr. (-ies, -ied)
1. (foll. by that + clause) be inclined to suppose; rather think.
2 Brit. colloq. feel a desire for (do you fancy a drink?).
3 Brit. colloq. find sexually attractive.
4 colloq. have an unduly high opinion of (oneself, one's ability, etc.).
5 (in imper.) an exclamation of surprise (fancy their doing that!).
6 picture to oneself; conceive, imagine.
Phrases and idioms:
catch (or take) the fancy of please; appeal to. fancy dress fanciful costume, esp. for masquerading as a different person or as an animal etc. at a party. fancy-free without (esp. emotional) commitments. fancy goods ornamental novelties etc. fancy man sl. derog.
1. a woman's lover.
2 a pimp. fancy woman sl. derog. a mistress. fancy-work ornamental sewing etc.
fanciable adj. (in sense 3 of v.). fancily adv. fanciness n.
Etymology: contr. of FANTASY