Meaning of HAMMER in English

n. 25B6; noun a hammer and chisel : mallet, beetle, gavel, sledgehammer.

25B6; verb

the alloy is hammered into a circular shape : BEAT, forge, shape, form, mould, fashion, make.

Sally hammered at the door : BATTER, pummel, beat, bang, pound; strike, hit, knock on, thump on; cudgel, bludgeon, club; informal bash, wallop, clobber, whack, thwack.

they hammered away at their non-smoking campaign : WORK HARD, labour, slog away, plod away, grind away, slave away, work like a Trojan, work like a dog, keep one's nose to the grindstone; persist with, persevere with, press on with; informal stick at, peg away, beaver away, plug away, work one's socks off, soldier on; Brit. informal graft away.

anti-racism had been hammered into her : DRUM, instil, inculcate, knock, drive, din; drive home to, impress upon; ingrain.

(informal) he got hammered for an honest mistake. : See chastise sense 1.

(informal) we've hammered them twice this season. : See trounce .

25A0; hammer something out THRASH OUT, work out, agree on, sort out, decide on, bring about, effect, produce, broker, negotiate, reach an agreement on.

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