Meaning of ORDER in English

n. 25B6; noun

alphabetical order : SEQUENCE, arrangement, organization, disposition, system, series, succession; grouping, classification, categorization, codification, systematization.

some semblance of order : TIDINESS, neatness, orderliness, trimness.

the police were needed to keep order : PEACE, control, law (and order), lawfulness, discipline, calm, (peace and) quiet, peacefulness, peaceableness.

his sense of order : ORDERLINESS, organization, method, system; symmetry, uniformity, regularity; routine.

the equipment was in good order : CONDITION, state, repair, shape.

I had to obey his orders : COMMAND, instruction, directive, direction, decree, edict, injunction, mandate, dictate, commandment, rescript; law, rule, regulation, diktat; demand, bidding, requirement, stipulation; informal say-so; formal ordinance; poetic/literary behest.

the company has won the order : COMMISSION, purchase order, request, requisition; booking, reservation.

the lower orders of society : CLASS, level, rank, grade, degree, position, category; dated station.

the established social order : (CLASS) SYSTEM, hierarchy, pecking order, grading, ranking, scale.

the higher orders of insects : TAXONOMIC GROUP, class, family, species, breed; taxon.

a religious order : COMMUNITY, brotherhood, sisterhood.

the Orange Order : ORGANIZATION, association, society, fellowship, fraternity, confraternity, sodality, lodge, guild, league, union, club; sect.

skills of a very high order : TYPE, kind, sort, nature, variety; quality, calibre, standard.


25B6; verb

he ordered me to return : INSTRUCT, command, direct, enjoin, tell, require, charge; formal adjure; poetic/literary bid.

he ordered that their assets be confiscated : DECREE, ordain, rule, legislate, dictate, prescribe.

you can order your tickets by phone : REQUEST, apply for, place an order for; book, reserve; formal bespeak.

the messages are ordered chronologically : ORGANIZE, put in order, arrange, sort out, marshal, dispose, lay out; group, classify, categorize, catalogue, codify, systematize, systemize.

25A0; in order

list the dates in order : IN SEQUENCE, in alphabetical order, in numerical order, in order of priority.

he found everything in order : TIDY, neat, orderly, straight, trim, shipshape (and Bristol fashion), in apple-pie order; in position, in place.

I think it's in order for me to take the credit : APPROPRIATE, fitting, suitable, acceptable, (all) right, permissible, permitted, allowable; informal okay.

25A0; order someone about/around TELL SOMEONE WHAT TO DO, give orders to, dictate to; lay down the law; informal boss about/around, push about/around.

25A0; out of order

the lift's out of order : NOT WORKING, not in working order, not functioning, broken, broken-down, out of service, out of commission, faulty, defective, inoperative; down; informal conked out, bust, (gone) kaput; N. Amer. informal on the fritz, out of whack.

Brit. informal that's really out of order : UNACCEPTABLE, unfair, unjust, unjustified, uncalled for, below the belt, unreasonable, unwarranted, beyond the pale; informal not on, a bit much; Brit. informal a bit thick, off, not cricket; Austral./NZ informal over the fence.

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