Meaning of REST in English

n. 25B6; verb

he needed to rest : RELAX, take a rest, ease up/off, let up, slow down, have/take a break, unbend, unwind, recharge one's batteries, be at leisure, take it easy, put one's feet up; lie down, go to bed, have/take a nap, catnap, doze, sleep; informal take five, have/take a breather, snatch forty winks, get some shut-eye; Brit. informal have a kip; N. Amer. informal chill out, catch some Zs.

his hands rested on the rail : LIE, be laid, repose, be placed, be positioned, be supported by.

she rested her basket on the ground : SUPPORT, prop (up), lean, lay, set, stand, position, place, put.

the film script rests on an improbable premise : BE BASED, depend, be dependent, rely, hinge, turn on, be contingent, revolve around.

25B6; noun

get some rest : REPOSE, relaxation, leisure, respite, time off, breathing space; sleep, nap, doze; informal shut-eye, snooze, lie-down, forty winks; Brit. informal kip.

a short rest from work : HOLIDAY, vacation, break, breathing space, interval, interlude, intermission, time off/out; informal breather.

she took the poker from its rest : STAND, base, holder, support, rack, frame, shelf.

we came to rest 100 metres lower : A STANDSTILL, a halt, a stop.

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