n. 25B6; noun
he dressed hurriedly behind the screen : PARTITION, (room) divider; windbreak.
a computer with a 15-inch screen : DISPLAY, monitor, visual display unit, VDU; cathode-ray tube, CRT.
every window has a screen because of mosquitoes : MESH, net, netting.
the hedge acts as a screen against the wind : BUFFER, protection, shield, shelter, guard.
the earth must be put through a screen : SIEVE, riddle, strainer, colander, filter.
25B6; verb
the end of the hall had been screened of : PARTITION OFF, divide off, separate off, curtain off.
the cottage was screened by the trees : CONCEAL, hide, veil; shield, shelter, shade, protect, guard, safeguard.
the prospective candidates will have to be screened : VET, check, check up on, investigate; informal check out.
all donated blood is screened for the virus : CHECK, test, examine, investigate.
coal used to be screened by hand : SIEVE, riddle, sift, strain, filter, winnow.
the programme is screened on Thursday evenings : SHOW, broadcast, transmit, televise, put out, put on the air.