n. 25B6; noun
the family is the fundamental unit of society : COMPONENT, element, constituent, subdivision.
a unit of currency : QUANTITY, measure, denomination. See list.
a guerrilla unit : DETACHMENT, contingent, division, company, squadron, corps, regiment, brigade, platoon, battalion; cell, faction.
acre knot
acre-foot lambert
air mile last
ampere lea
angstrom league
are libra
astronomical unit light year
atmosphere line
atomic mass unit link
bale litre
bar lumen
barleycorn lux
barn Mach number
barrel magneton
bath maxwell
baud megabyte
becquerel mega-electronvolt
bel megaflop
bigha megahertz
bit megaton
board foot megavolt
Board of Trade Unit megawatt
bovate megohm
brake horsepower metre
British thermal unit metric ton
bushel mho
butt microfarad
byte microgram
cable microlitre
calorie micrometre
candela micron
candle microsecond
carat mil
cental mile
centiare millennium
centigram milliampere
centilitre millibar
centimetre milligram
centner millilitre
century millimetre
chain millimicron
cord millisecond
coulomb millivolt
cran milliwatt
cubit minim
cup minute
cupful mole
curie month
cusec morgan
cycle morgen
dalton mutchkin
daraf nail
darcy nanometre
day nanosecond
debye nautical mile
decade neper
decalitre newton
decametre nit
decibel noggin
decigram oersted
decilitre ohm
decimetre oka/oke
degree okta/octa
degree-day ounce
denarius parsec
denier pascal
dessertspoon peck
dioptre pennyweight
drachm perch
dunam phon
dyne phot
electronvolt pica
ell pint
em pipe
en ploughland
ephah point
epoch poise
erg pole
farad pound
faraday poundal
fathom probit
fermi puncheon
firkin quart
fluid drachm quarter
fluid ounce quartern
fluidram quintal
foot rad
foot-pound radian
fresnel rem
furlong rod
gal roentgen
gallon rood
gamma rutherford
gauss sabin
geographical mile scruple
gigabyte sea mile
gigaelectronvolt second
gigaflop section
gigawatt seer
gilbert siemens
gill sievert
grade sone
grain span
gram spindle
gram-molecular weight square
gray stack
hand stadium
hank standard
hectare steradian
hectogram stere
hectolitre stilb
hectometre stokes
henry Svedberg
hertz stone
hin tablespoon
hogshead teaspoon
Hoppus foot teraflop
horsepower terawatt
hour tesla
hundredweight therm
inch tierce
jansky tog
joule ton
kelvin tonne
kilderkin torr
kilobit troy ounce
kilobyte tsubo
kilocalorie tun
kilocycle verst
kilo-electronvolt virgate
kilogram volt
kilohertz watt
kilojoule weber
kilolitre week
kilometre wey
kiloton/kilotonne x-unit
kilovolt yard
kilowatt-hour year