Meaning of COURSE in English

■ noun

1》 the route or direction followed by a ship, aircraft, road, or river.

2》 the way in which something progresses or develops.

↘(also ~ of action ) a procedure adopted to deal with a situation.

3》 a dish forming one of the successive parts of a meal.

4》 a series of lectures or lessons in a particular subject.

↘ Medicine a series of repeated treatments or doses of medication.

5》 an area of land prepared for racing, golf, or another sport.

6》 a continuous horizontal layer of brick or stone.

7》 Bell-ringing a series of changes which brings the bells back to their original order, or the changes of a particular bell.

8》 a sail on the lowest yards of a square-rigged ship.

■ verb

1》 (of liquid) flow.

2》 [often as noun coursing ] pursue (game, especially hares) with greyhounds using sight rather than scent.


the ~ of nature normal and expected events or processes.

in ( the ) ~ of

1》 undergoing (the specified process).

2》 during (the specified period).

of ~ as expected.

↘used to give or emphasize agreement or permission.


on (or off ) ~ following (or not following) the intended route.

run (or take ) its ~ complete its natural development without interference.


ME: from OFr. cours , from L. cursus , from curs- , currere 'run'.

Concise Oxford English vocab.      Сжатый оксфордский словарь английского языка.