~ 1
■ verb ( ~s , ~ping , ~ped )
1》 move by jumping on one foot.
↘(of a bird or animal) move by jumping with two or all feet at once.
↘jump over.
↘( ~ in ) informal get into (a vehicle).
2》 informal move or go quickly.
↘( ~ it ) Brit. go away.
↘[usu. as noun ~ping ] pass quickly from one place to another: island-~ping.
■ noun
1》 a ~ping movement.
2》 a short journey or distance.
3》 an informal dance.
~, skip (or step ) , and jump
1》 old-fashioned term for triple jump .
2》 informal a short distance.
on the ~ Brit. informal
1》 unprepared.
2》 busy.
OE ~pian , of Gmc origin.
~ 2
■ noun
1》 ( ~s ) the dried cone-like flowers of a twining climbing plant, used in brewing to give a bitter flavour and as a mild sterilant.
↘ Austral./NZ informal beer.
2》 the plant from which ~s are obtained. [ Humulus lupulus .]
3》 US informal, dated opium or another narcotic.
■ verb ( ~s , ~ping , ~ped )
1》 flavour with ~s.
2》 ( be ~ped up ) informal be intoxicated by or as if by a narcotic drug.
~py adjective
ME ~pe , from Mid. Low Ger. or MDu.