Meaning of MOULD in English

~ 1

( US mold )

■ noun

1》 a hollow container used to give shape to molten or hot liquid material when it cools and hardens.

2》 a dish made in a ~, such as a mousse.

3》 a distinctive form, style, or character: a superb striker in the same ~ as Lineker.

4》 a frame or template for producing ~ings.

■ verb

1》 form (an object) out of a malleable substance.

↘give a shape to (a malleable substance).

2》 influence the formation or development of.

3》 [as adjective ~ed ] (of a column, ceiling, etc.) having a decorative ~ing: a ~ed cornice.


break the ~ end a restrictive pattern of events or behaviour by doing things differently.


~able adjective

~er noun


ME: appar. from OFr. modle , from L. modulus (see modulus ).


~ 2

( US mold )

■ noun a furry growth of minute fungi occurring typically in moist warm conditions on organic matter.

↘a fungus of this kind.


ME: prob. from obs. ~ , past participle of moul 'grow ~y', of Scand. origin.


~ 3

( US mold )

■ noun chiefly Brit. soft loose earth, especially when rich in organic matter.


OE molde , from a Gmc base meaning 'pulverize or grind'; related to meal 2 .

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