Meaning of REST in English

~ 1

■ verb

1》 cease work or movement in order to relax or recover strength.

↘allow to be inactive in order to regain strength or health.

↘(of a problem or subject) be left without further investigation or discussion.

2》 place or be placed so as to stay in a specified position.

↘lie buried.

↘( ~ on ) (of a look) alight or be steadily directed on.

3》 ( ~ on ) be based on; depend on.

↘( ~ something in/on ) place hope, trust, or confidence in or on.

↘be the responsibility of or belong to a specified person: ultimate control ~ed with the founders.

4》 N. Amer. conclude the case for the prosecution or defence in a court of law.

■ noun

1》 an instance or period of ~ing.

↘a motionless state.

2》 Music an interval of silence of a specified duration.

↘the sign denoting this.

↘a pause in speech or verse.

3》 an object that is used to hold or support something.


~ one's case conclude one's presentation of evidence and arguments in a lawsuit.


OE ræst , ~ (n.), ræstan , ~an (v.), of Gmc origin, from a root meaning 'league' or 'mile' (referring to a distance after which one ~s).


~ 2

■ noun

1》 the remaining part of something.

↘[treated as plural ] the remaining people or things; the others.

2》 Anatomy a small, detached portion of an organ or tissue.

3》 a rally in real tennis.

■ verb remain or be left in a specified condition: ~ assured we will do everything we can.


ME: from OFr. ~e (n.), ~er (v.), from L. ~are 'remain'.

Concise Oxford English vocab.      Сжатый оксфордский словарь английского языка.