Meaning of ROCK in English

~ 1

■ noun

1》 the hard mineral material of the earth's crust, exposed on the surface or underlying the soil.

↘a mass of this projecting out of the ground or water.

↘( the Rock ) Gibraltar.

↘a boulder.

↘ N. Amer. a stone of any size.

2》 Geology any natural material with a distinctive mineral composition.

3》 Brit. a kind of hard confectionery in the form of cylindrical peppermint-flavoured sticks.

4》 informal a diamond or other precious stone.

5》 informal a small piece of crack cocaine.

6》 ( ~s ) vulgar slang a man's testicles.


between a ~ and a hard place informal faced with two equally difficult alternatives.

get one's ~s off vulgar slang have an orgasm.

on the ~s informal

1》 experiencing difficulties and likely to fail.

2》 (of a drink) served undiluted and with ice cubes.


~less adjective

~-like adjective


ME: from OFr. rocque , from med. L. rocca .


~ 2

■ verb

1》 move gently to and fro or from side to side.

↘shake, especially because of an earthquake or explosion.

2》 cause great shock or distress to.

3》 informal dance to or play ~ music.

4》 informal (of a place) be exciting or full of social activity.

■ noun

1》 (also ~ music ) a form of popular music derived from ~ and roll and pop music but characterized by a more serious approach.

↘~ and roll.

2》 a ~ing movement.


OE roccian , prob. from a Gmc base meaning 'remove, move'.

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