■ adjective
1》 easy to mould, cut, compress, or fold; not hard or firm to the touch.
↘having a smooth texture; not rough or coarse.
2》 (of light or shadow) pleasingly subtle; without sharp definition.
↘quiet and gentle.
3》 sympathetic or lenient, especially excessively so.
↘denoting a faction within a political party that is willing to compromise: the ~ left.
↘ informal (of a job or way of life) requiring little effort.
4》 (of a drink) not alcoholic.
↘(of a drug) not likely to cause addiction.
5》 (of water) free from mineral salts.
6》 (also ~-core ) (of pornography) suggestive but not explicit.
7》 (of a market, currency, or commodity) falling or likely to fall in value.
8》 informal foolish.
↘( ~ on ) infatuated with.
9》 (of radiation) having little penetrating power.
10》 (of a consonant) pronounced as a fricative (as c in ice ).
11》 dialect (of weather) rainy, moist, or thawing.
■ adverb
1》 ~ly.
2》 informal weakly or foolishly: don't talk ~.
have a ~ spot for be fond of.
~ touch (also easy touch ) informal a person who is easily persuaded or imposed upon.
~ish adjective
~ly adverb
~ness noun
OE sōfte 'agreeable, calm, gentle', of W. Gmc origin.