■ noun
1》 (also Sun ) the star round which the earth orbits.
↘any similar star, with or without planets.
2》 the light or warmth received from the ~.
3》 literary a day or a year.
■ verb ( ~s , ~ning , ~ned ) ( ~ oneself ) sit or lie in the ~.
↘expose to the ~.
against the ~ Nautical against the direction of the ~'s apparent movement (in the northern hemisphere); anticlockwise.
shoot the ~ Nautical ascertain the altitude of the ~ with a sextant in order to determine one's latitude.
under the ~ in existence.
with the ~ Nautical in the direction of the ~'s apparent movement (in the northern hemisphere); clockwise or from left to right.
~less adjective
~lessness noun
~like adjective
~ward adjective & adverb
~wards adverb
OE ~ne , of Gmc origin.