■ verb
1》 speak in order to give information or express ideas or feelings; communicate by speech.
↘have the power of speech.
↘( ~ something over/through ) discuss something thoroughly.
↘( be ~ing ) informal be discussing in specified terms: we're ~ing big money.
2》 ( ~ someone round ) convince someone to adopt a specific point of view.
↘( ~ someone into/out of ) persuade or dissuade someone to or from.
↘( ~ something out ) Brit. (in Parliament) block the course of a bill by prolonging discussion to the time of adjournment.
3》 ( ~ back ) reply defiantly or insolently.
4》 ( ~ down to ) speak condescendingly to.
■ noun
1》 conversation; discussion.
↘speculation or gossip.
↘( the ~ of ) a current subject of widespread gossip or speculation in.
2》 an address or lecture.
3》 ( ~s ) formal discussions or negotiations.
you can't (or can ) ( N. Amer. shouldn't or should) ~ informal used to convey that a criticism made applies equally well to the person making it.
look (or hark ) who's ~ing another way of saying you can't ~.
now you're ~ing informal expressing enthusiastic agreement.
~ the hind leg off a donkey Brit. informal ~ incessantly.
~ nineteen to the dozen see dozen .
~ the ~ informal speak in a way intended to convince or impress.
~er noun
ME: from the Gmc base of tale or tell 1 .