transcription, транскрипция: [ kə:l ]
v. & n. --v. 1 tr. & intr. (often foll. by up) bend or coil into a spiral; form or cause to form curls. 2 intr. move in a spiral form (smoke curling upwards). 3 a intr. (of the upper lip) be raised slightly on one side as an expression of contempt or disapproval. b tr. cause (the lip) to do this. 4 intr. play curling. --n. 1 a lock of curled hair. 2 anything spiral or curved inwards. 3 a a curling movement or act. b the state of being curled. 4 a disease of plants in which the leaves are curled up. øcurl up 1 lie or sit with the knees drawn up. 2 colloq. writhe with embarrassment or horror. make a person's hair curl colloq. shock or horrify a person. out of curl lacking energy. [ME; earliest form crolled, crulled f. obs. adj. crolle, crulle curly f. MDu. krul]