Meaning of FLY in English

v. & n. --v. (flies; past flew; past part. flown) 1 intr. move through the air under control, esp. with wings. 2 (of an aircraft or its occupants): a intr. travel through the air or through space. b tr. traverse (a region or distance) (flew the Channel). 3 tr. a control the flight of (esp. an aircraft). b transport in an aircraft. 4 a tr. cause to fly or remain aloft. b intr. (of a flag, hair, etc.) wave or flutter. 5 intr. pass or rise quickly through the air or over an obstacle. 6 intr. go or move quickly; pass swiftly (time flies). 7 intr. a flee. b colloq. depart hastily. 8 intr. be driven or scattered; be forced off suddenly (sent me flying; the door flew open). 9 intr. (foll. by at, upon) a hasten or spring violently. b attack or criticize fiercely. 10 tr. flee from; escape in haste. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 (usu. in pl.) a a flap on a garment, esp. trousers, to contain or cover a fastening. b this fastening. 2 a flap at the entrance of a tent. 3 (in pl.) the space over the proscenium in a theatre. 4 the act or an instance of flying. 5 (pl. usu. flys) Brit. hist. a one-horse hackney carriage. 6 a speed-regulating device in clockwork and machinery. øfly-away (of hair etc.) tending to fly out or up; streaming. fly-by (pl. -bys) a flight past a position, esp. the approach of a spacecraft to a planet for observation. fly-by-night adj. unreliable. --n. an unreliable person. fly-half Rugby Football a stand-off half. fly high 1 pursue a high ambition. 2 excel, prosper. fly in the face of openly disregard or disobey; conflict roundly with (probability, the evidence, etc.). fly into a rage (or temper etc.) become suddenly or violently angry. fly a kite 1 try something out; test public opinion. 2 raise money by an accommodation bill. fly off the handle colloq. lose one's temper suddenly and unexpectedly. fly-past a ceremonial flight of aircraft past a person or a place. fly-pitcher sl. a street-trader. fly-pitching sl. street-trading. øøflyable adj. [OE fleogan f. Gmc]

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