transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈpænl ]
n. & v. --n. 1 a a distinct, usu. rectangular, section of a surface (e.g. of a wall, door, or vehicle). b a control panel (see CONTROL n. 5). c = instrument panel. 2 a strip of material as part of a garment. 3 a group of people forming a team in a broadcast game, discussion, etc. 4 Brit. hist. a list of medical practitioners registered in a district as accepting patients under the National Insurance Act. 5 a a list of available jurors; a jury. b Sc. a person or persons accused of a crime. (panelled, panelling; US paneled, paneling) 1 fit or provide with panels. 2 cover or decorate with panels. øpanel-beater one whose job is to beat out the metal panels of motor vehicles. panel game a broadcast quiz etc. played by a panel. panel heating the heating of rooms by panels in the wall etc. containing the sources of heat. panel pin a thin nail with a very small head. panel saw a saw with small teeth for cutting thin wood for panels. panel truck US a small enclosed delivery truck. [ME & OF, = piece of cloth, ult. f. L pannus: see PANE]