Meaning of PROMOTE in English

transcription, транскрипция: [ prəˈməut ] 1 (often foll. by to) advance or raise (a person) to a higher office, rank, etc. (was promoted to captain). 2 help forward; encourage; support actively (a cause, process, desired result, etc.) (promoted women's suffrage). 3 publicize and sell (a product). 4 attempt to ensure the passing of (a private act of parliament). 5 Chess raise (a pawn) to the rank of queen etc. when it reaches the opponent's end of the board. øøpromotable adj. promotability n. promotion n. promotional adj. promotive adj. [ME f. L promovere promot- (as PRO-(1), movere move)]

English main colloquial, spoken dictionary.      Английский основной разговорный словарь.