Meaning of PROMOTE in English

[pro.mote] vt pro.mot.ed ; [ME, fr. L promotus, pp. of promovere, lit., to move forward, fr. pro- forward + movere to move] (14c) 1 a: to advance in station, rank, or honor: raise b: to change (a pawn) into a piece in chess by moving to the eighth rank c: to advance (a student) from one grade to the next higher grade

2. a: to contribute to the growth or prosperity of: further "~ international understanding" b: to help bring (as an enterprise) into being: launch c: to present (merchandise) for buyer acceptance through advertising, publicity, or discounting 3 slang: to get possession of by doubtful means or by ingenuity syn see advance -- pro.mot.abil.i.ty n -- adj

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