1. to build something
2. the process of building houses, roads etc
3. the design of buildings
4. a building or group of buildings
see also
1. to build something
▷ build /bɪld/ [intransitive/transitive verb]
to make a house, road, wall, bridge etc using bricks, stone, wood or other materials :
▪ Are they going to build on this land?
▪ His ambition is to build his own house.
▪ The cost of building the new football stadium was over $40 million.
▪ The road was originally built by the Romans.
be built of concrete/stone/wood etc
▪ Only about 3% of houses in the US are built of concrete.
builder []
someone whose job is to build and repair buildings: :
▪ Builders say that new home construction is slowing down.
▷ put up /ˌpʊt ˈʌp/ [transitive phrasal verb]
to build a wall, fence, or a tall building :
put up something
▪ They’re planning to tear down these apartments and put up an office building.
put something up
▪ Isobel and Peter have put a stone wall up along the side of the garden.
▷ construct /kənˈstrʌkt/ [transitive verb]
to build a large public building, a bridge, road etc :
▪ The city council has plans for constructing two new schools and a hospital.
▪ This elegant two-storey stone building was constructed in 1889.
▪ New freeway ramps are being constructed in San Bruno.
▷ go up /ˌgəʊ ˈʌp/ [intransitive phrasal verb] especially spoken
if buildings are going up in a place, they are being built :
▪ It seems like new beachfront hotels are going up every week.
▪ Whenever a new mall goes up, I ask myself how many of these things we need.
▷ erect /ɪˈrekt/ [transitive verb] formal
to build a public building or structure :
▪ The first lighthouse was erected on the island in 1912.
▪ The group hopes to erect a statue of Fleming next year.
2. the process of building houses, roads etc
▷ construction /kənˈstrʌkʃ ə n/ [uncountable noun]
the process or method of building large public buildings, bridges, roads etc :
▪ The firm deals mainly in road construction.
construction on
▪ Construction on the tunnel will begin in April.
construction of
▪ Construction of the dam is nearly complete.
under construction
▪ About 3,000 housing units are under construction in the city.
construction industry
▪ The construction industry has been severely affected by the recession.
▷ building /ˈbɪldɪŋ/ [uncountable noun]
the process or business of building houses :
▪ There has been an increase in new-home building in recent months.
▪ It was the invention of pre-stressed concrete that really transformed building techniques.
building industry
▪ Thousands of workers in the building industry will lose their jobs as a result of cutbacks.
3. the design of buildings
▷ architecture /ˈɑːʳkɪtektʃəʳ, ˈɑːʳkətektʃəʳ/ [uncountable noun]
the way in which buildings are designed, or the work of designing buildings :
▪ We spent most of our time in Barcelona just looking at the architecture.
▪ City Hall is a fine example of Gothic architecture.
▪ She’s studying architecture at college.
architectural /ˌɑːʳkɪˈtektʃ ə rəl◂, ˌɑːʳkəˈtektʃ ə rəl◂/ [adjective only before noun]
▪ The building has won several awards for its architectural design.
▷ architect /ˈɑːʳkɪtekt, ˈɑːʳkətekt/ [countable noun]
someone whose job is to design buildings :
▪ St Paul’s Cathedral was designed by the famous architect, Sir Christopher Wren.
4. a building or group of buildings
▷ building /ˈbɪldɪŋ/ [countable noun]
▪ Brewer Hall is a red-brick building with white trim.
▪ The whole building shook when a train went past.
▪ There’s a plan to convert the farm buildings into private apartments.
▷ block /blɒkǁblɑːk/ [countable noun]
a large building divided into smaller parts :
block of
▪ The house at Number 14 was replaced by a block of flats.
office/apartment block
▪ There’s another new office block going up behind the station.
▪ His studios are on the tenth floor of an office block overlooking the river.
high-rise/tower block
very tall block British
▪ To the east is a landscape of concrete tower blocks.
▷ development /dɪˈveləpmənt/ [countable noun]
a group of new buildings that have all been planned and built together on the same piece of land :
▪ The new development at the edge of town is aimed at first-time buyers.
▪ The former cropland has been turned into housing developments and shopping malls.
▷ structure /ˈstrʌktʃəʳ/ [countable noun]
a large building or a part of a building - used especially to say what it is made of or how strong it is :
▪ The station building was a high wooden structure with a curved roof.
▪ The stone arch is one of the town’s oldest existing structures.