1. things you use for doing something
see also
1. things you use for doing something
▷ equipment /ɪˈkwɪpmənt/ [uncountable noun]
the machines, tools, or objects that you use for doing something :
▪ You should check all your electrical equipment regularly.
equipment for
▪ high technology equipment for policing and traffic control
office/video/sports etc equipment
▪ Thieves stole all the video equipment from the college.
▪ We were told to keep all our sports equipment in the lockers downstairs.
a piece of equipment
▪ It’s much easier if you have the right piece of equipment for the job.
▷ tools /tuːlz/ [plural noun]
equipment, especially simple things, that you use to make something or do something useful :
▪ The plumber went back out to the van to get his tools.
▪ As a writer, I don’t need any tools, apart from my computer and the internet.
tools of the trade
equipment necessary for a particular job
▪ For a salesman, a cheap suit and a Ford Escort are the traditional tools of the trade.
▷ apparatus /ˌæpəˈreɪtəsǁ-ˈræ-/ [countable/uncountable noun]
tools and machines used especially for scientific, medical, and technical purposes :
▪ This experiment can be performed using the apparatus shown in the diagram.
breathing/gym/surgical etc apparatus
▪ Astronauts have special breathing apparatus.
▪ There’s a shop in town which sells all the latest photographic apparatus.
▷ things /θɪŋz/ [plural noun] especially British, spoken
the pieces of equipment or clothes that you need for a particular activity :
▪ Now, have you got all your things ready?
swimming/painting/sewing etc things
▪ Don’t forget to bring your swimming things with you.
▷ gear /gɪəʳ/ [uncountable noun] informal
the equipment and special clothes that you need to do something, especially an activity that you do in your free time :
▪ At 8.30 we loaded all our gear into the boat, and cruised out to a spot a few miles offshore.
camping/skiing/fishing etc gear
▪ Have you got all your football gear?
▪ The soldiers were wearing heavy combat gear and travelling in convoys.
▷ kit /kɪt/ [countable noun]
shaving/sewing/repair etc kit
a set of small things that you use to do something :
▪ Always take a first-aid kit with you when you go camping.
▪ You should never go cycling without a basic repair kit.
▷ stuff /stʌf/ [uncountable noun] spoken informal
the equipment that you use to do something :
▪ The builders have left all their stuff round the back of the house.
camping/painting etc stuff
▪ Our camping stuff alone took up most of the space in the back of the car.