Meaning of FATHER in English


1. father

2. when someone is a father

3. like a father


see also







1. father

▷ father /ˈfɑːðəʳ/ [countable noun]

▪ My father’s a doctor.

father of

▪ He’s now the proud father of a three-week-old baby girl.

▪ Larry Blake, a father of three children, was shot dead outside his home last night.

▷ dad /ˈdæd/ [countable noun] informal

a name you use to talk to your father or to talk about someone else’s father :

▪ Was your dad angry when you got home?

▪ Can I borrow your car, Dad?

▪ My dad retired ten years ago.

▷ daddy /ˈdædi/ [countable noun]

a name for a father - used especially by young children or when you are talking to young children :

▪ Where’s your daddy?

▪ Daddy, can I have a drink, please?

▪ Go and ask Daddy if he’ll give you a ride to school.

▷ pop /pɒpǁpɑːp/ [singular noun] American informal

a name you call your father :

▪ I helped Pop fix the gate this morning.

▪ Relax, Pop, I’ll have the car back by midnight.

▷ old man /ˌəʊld ˈmæn/ [singular noun] informal

father - use this to talk about your father or someone else’s father :

▪ My old man never could understand why I married Doris.

the old man

my father

▪ I’m going to visit the old man next week.

2. when someone is a father

▷ fatherhood /ˈfɑːðəʳhʊd/ [uncountable noun]

▪ Jerry doesn’t take the responsibilities of fatherhood very seriously.

▪ Fatherhood has been the greatest challenge of my life.

▷ become a father /bɪˌkʌm ə ˈfɑːðəʳ/ [verb phrase]

if a man becomes a father, a woman has his baby :

▪ I didn’t really care about what was going on in the world until I became a father.

▪ Just think about it - you don’t really want to become a father while you’re still in your teens, do you?

▷ father /ˈfɑːðəʳ/ [transitive verb] written

if a man fathers a child, a woman has his baby :

▪ He fathered eight daughters and three sons.

▪ Bill was told he would never be able to father children.

3. like a father

▷ paternal /pəˈtɜːʳnl/ [adjective]

paternal feelings are like the feelings that a good father has for his children :

▪ Although he had no children of his own, he took a kind of paternal interest in Katie’s progress at school.

▷ fatherly /ˈfɑːðəʳli/ [adjective]

behaving in a kind way towards someone who is younger than you, which shows you care about them a lot, as if you were their father :

▪ Do you mind if I give you some fatherly advice?

▪ From the plane window he could still see the two young women, and gave them a fatherly wave.

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