Synonyms and related words :
Establishment, VIP, abba, abbe, affiliate to, agent, ancestor, ancestors, apprentice, architect, artificer, artist, aunt, auntie, author, baron, bear, beget, begetter, beginner, big gun, big man, big name, bigwig, birth, blood brother, brass, brass hat, breed, breed true, brethren, bring about, bring forth, bring to birth, bring to effect, bring to pass, brother, bub, bubba, bud, buddy, builder, cassock, catalyst, cause, causer, celebrity, chaplain, clergyman, conceive, conceiver, confessor, constructor, copulate, country cousin, cousin, cousin once removed, cousin twice removed, craftsman, create, creator, crossbreed, cure, dad, daddy, daughter, dean, derive from, designer, deviser, dignitary, dignity, discoverer, do, doyen, doyenne, effect, effector, effectuate, elder, eldest, encourager, engender, engenderer, engineer, establish, executor, executrix, father confessor, father in Christ, figure, filiate to, first cousin, first-born, firstling, forebear, forefather, foster brother, foster father, found, founder, frame, framer, frater, gallach, generate, generator, genitor, gestate, get, give birth to, give occasion to, give origin to, give rise to, governor, grandnephew, grandniece, granduncle, great man, great-aunt, great-uncle, grower, half brother, hatch, important person, inaugurate, inaugurator, inbreed, industrialist, initiate, initiator, inspirer, instigator, institute, institutor, interests, introducer, invent, inventor, journeyman, kid brother, lion, lords of creation, magnate, make, make love, maker, man of mark, manufacturer, master, master craftsman, minister, mogul, mother, motor, mover, multiply, nabob, name, nephew, niece, notability, notable, nuncle, nunks, nunky, occasion, old boy, old man, older, oldest, organizer, originate, originator, outbreed, pa, padre, panjandrum, pap, papa, pappy, parent, parish priest, parson, past master, pastor, pater, paterfamilias, patriarch, penitentiary, person of renown, personage, personality, pillar of society, planner, pop, pops, power, power elite, precursor, presbyter, priest, prime mover, primogenitor, primum mobile, procreate, produce, producer, progenerate, progenitor, proliferate, promoter, propagate, raiser, realize, realizer, reproduce in kind, ruling circle, sachem, second cousin, senior, set afloat, set on foot, set up, shaper, shepherd, sire, sis, sissy, sister, sister-german, sistern, sky pilot, smith, soil, somebody, something, son, spawn, spiritual director, spiritual father, stepbrother, stepfather, stepsister, supporter, the great, the old man, the top, top brass, top people, trace to, tycoon, unc, uncle, uncs, uterine brother, very important person, work, worthy, wright