Meaning of IN ORDER TO in English


1. in order to get something, achieve something, or make something happen


see also




1. in order to get something, achieve something, or make something happen

▷ to do something /tə ˈduː something/ [adverb]

▪ She went to the bank to get some money.

▪ Salt is spread on roads in cold weather to prevent the formation of ice.

▪ To lose weight, you must eat sensibly.

▪ You didn’t come all that way just to see me, did you?

so as not to do something

▪ When I get home late I sleep in the spare room, so as not to disturb my wife.

▷ in order to do something /ɪn ˌɔːʳdəʳ tə ˈduː something/ [adverb]

done so that something else happens as a result, or necessary if something else is to be possible :

▪ Many drug users get involved in crime simply in order to pay for their supplies of cocaine and heroin.

▪ In order to be a doctor, you have to study for six years.

in order not to do something

▪ In order not to offend anyone, I did not tell them the real reason for my visit.

▷ so (that) /ˈsəʊ (ðət)/ [conjunction]

if you do something so that you or another person can do something else, you do it in order to make the other thing possible :

▪ She’s studying English at night school so that she can go to university.

▪ I’ll move my car so you can get into the garage.

▪ Steps must be taken so that this kind of disaster never happens again.

▷ for /fəʳ, strong fɔːʳ/ [preposition]

if you do something for something, you do it for a particular purpose :

▪ She’s gone into hospital for a check-up.

▪ I went into the store for some tomatoes and came out with two bags of groceries.

▪ We climbed up here for the view, and also because we wanted to get some exercise.

▷ with the aim of doing something /wɪð ði ˌeɪm əv ˈduːɪŋ something/ [adverb]

if you do something with the aim of doing something else, you do it in order to try and achieve this :

▪ The Green Party was started with the aim of protecting the environment.

▪ I originally went out to the Far East with the aim of setting up my own import-export business.

▷ with a view to doing something /wɪð ə ˌvjuː tə ˈduːɪŋ something/ [adverb]

if you do something with a view to doing something else, you do it because you are planning to do something else later and this will help you to achieve it :

▪ We bought the cottage with a view to settling down there after retirement.

▪ The idea was to pool resources with a view to lowering operating costs.

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