1. a manager
2. a manager in a high position
3. a manager who is in a lower position
4. a group of managers
5. the job of being a manager
see also
1. a manager
▷ manager /ˈmænɪdʒəʳ/ [countable noun]
someone whose job is to be in charge of a group of people, a project, a department, or a bank, shop, hotel etc :
▪ I’d like to speak to the manager.
manager of
▪ the advertising manager of a mail-order company
bank/hotel/restaurant etc manager
▪ All new loans must be approved by the bank manager.
marketing/sales/accounts etc manager
▪ She’s one of our regional sales managers.
▷ boss /bɒsǁbɔːs/ [countable noun] informal
the person who is in charge of you at work :
▪ Does your boss know you’re looking for another job?
▪ There’s a new guy at work who’s always trying to impress the boss.
▪ The front page of the paper announced ‘Company bosses get record pay increases’.
▷ executive /ɪgˈzekjɑtɪv/ [countable noun]
a manager, especially an important one :
▪ We were visited by a young, dynamic executive from a small computer company.
executive for
▪ Clifford, a former congressman, is now an executive for a large charity.
executive stress
an illness suffered by managers who are under a lot of pressure in their jobs
▪ a psychiatrist who specializes in executive stress
▷ foreman /ˈfɔːʳmən/ [countable noun]
someone who is in charge of a group of factory workers or builders, whose job is to make sure that the workers do what the manager wants :
▪ Anton hated the foreman, who was never satisfied with anyone’s work.
foreman of
▪ He spoke as though he were a rich landowner instead of just the foreman of a modest building firm.
▷ supervisor /ˈsuːpəʳvaɪzəʳ, ˈsjuː-ǁˈsuː-/ [countable noun]
someone who is in charge of a group of workers, such as cleaners or secretaries, in an office, factory, airport etc, whose job is to make sure that the workers do what the manager wants :
▪ We still need to replace the office supervisor.
supervisor of
▪ She has worked her way up the company and is now supervisor of 50 staff members.
▷ line manager /ˈlaɪn ˌmænɪdʒəʳ/ [countable noun]
the manager who is directly in charge of you in a company, rather than a more senior manager :
▪ If you want to take a holiday, first ask your line manager.
▷ report to /rɪˈpɔːʳt tuː/ [transitive phrasal verb]
if you report to someone in a company, they are your line manager :
▪ Jan is based in Birmingham and reports to the Head of Marketing.
2. a manager in a high position
▷ director /dɪˈrektəʳ, dəˈrektəʳ, daɪ-/ [countable noun]
an important manager who is in charge of a company or a department in a company :
▪ The directors are meeting today to discuss the company’s future.
finance/sales/personnel etc director
▪ Have you met the new finance director?
director of
▪ Dr Jane Wilde, director of the Health Promotion Agency
▷ chief executive also chief executive officer/CEO American /ˌtʃiːf ɪgˈzekjɑtɪv, ˌtʃiːf ɪgˈzekjɑtɪv ˌɒfə̇səʳǁ-ˌɔːf-, ˌsiː iː ˈəʊ/ [countable noun]
the manager with most authority in the normal, everyday management of a company. This job is often combined with other jobs, such as that of president :
▪ Universal Studios is looking for a new chief executive.
chief executive of
▪ the CEO of General Motors
▷ president /ˈprezɪd ə nt, ˈprezəd ə nt/ [countable noun]
the person in charge of a large company or organization, especially in the US :
▪ Angry shareholders called for the resignation of the company president.
president of
▪ the president of CBS news
▷ vice president /ˌvaɪs ˈprezə̇dənt/ American abbreviation VP [countable noun]
the person in a company or organization who is directly below the president in rank, and who is usually responsible for a particular part of the company :
▪ Meyer hopes to become the company’s first female vice president.
vice president of/for
▪ the vice president for sales and marketing
▪ the VP of corporate affairs
▷ chairman/chairwoman /ˈtʃeəʳmən, ˈtʃeəʳˌwʊmən/ [countable noun]
the person who is in charge of a large company or organization, especially the most powerful member of its board :
▪ Doreen’s leaving party looked more like a board meeting, with the chairman and directors there to say goodbye.
chairman/chairwoman of
▪ Manley gradually worked her way up, and within ten years became chairwoman of the board.
▪ The Chairman of British Airways visited Downing Street last week.
▷ managing director /ˌmænɪdʒɪŋ də̇ˈrektəʳ/ [countable noun] British
the person in charge of the daily management of a company or organization. This job is often combined with that of chairman :
managing director of
▪ Silva has been appointed managing director of the sales division.
▪ He’s the managing director of a small printing firm.
▷ head /hed/ [countable noun]
the person in charge of an organization or department :
head of
▪ the former head of MI5, the British Intelligence Service
▪ She’s the head of research and development.
3. a manager who is in a lower position
▷ deputy /ˈdepjɑti/ [countable noun]
someone who is immediately below the rank of another manager, and who is officially in charge when that other person is away or ill :
deputy director/manager/principal etc
▪ The deputy director is authorized to act in the director’s absence.
▪ He became the deputy head of the FBI at the age of only 36.
▷ second-in-command /ˌsekənd ɪn kəˈmɑːndǁ-ˈmænd/ [countable noun]
a manager who is in charge of an organization or department when a more senior manager is not there :
▪ I left the planning to my second- in-command while I was away.
▪ She had been second- in-command at the nursing home and was now a senior manager in one of the big Boston hospitals.
4. a group of managers
▷ management /ˈmænɪdʒmənt/ []
the people who are in charge of an organization, not the ordinary workers :
▪ Talks between the workers and the management broke down today.
senior management
▪ Senior management seem to be completely out of touch with their staff’s needs.
▷ the board/the board of directors /ðə ˈbɔːʳd, ðə ˌbɔːʳd əv də̇ˈrektəʳz/ []
the group of people who have been chosen to manage a company, and who meet regularly to make important decisions :
▪ There are only two women on the company’s board of directors.
▪ Last year the board approved use of funds to improve staff training.
be appointed to the board (of directors)
▪ Carmichael was appointed to the board in July.
board meeting
▪ An emergency board meeting was hastily arranged.
▷ head office British /the head office American /(ðə) ˌhed ˈɒfə̇sǁ-ˈɔːf-/ [singular noun]
the group of top managers of a company who work in it’s central office and control the rest of the company’s offices from there :
▪ Head office must approve any order for new equipment.
▪ In the past, strategy was dictated by the head office.
▷ the powers that be /ðə ˌpaʊəʳz ðət ˈbiː/ [noun phrase]
an expression meaning the management of an organization, used especially when the organization is so large that you do not know who the management is :
▪ The powers that be have decided that our lunch breaks should be reduced to 45 minutes.
5. the job of being a manager
▷ management /ˈmænɪdʒmənt/ [uncountable noun]
the job or skill of being a manager :
▪ Val has finished college and is looking for a job in management.
▪ a course aimed at improving management skills
good/bad management
▪ The failure of many small businesses is caused by bad management.
▷ managerial /ˌmænɪˈdʒɪ ə riəl◂, ˌmænəˈdʒɪ ə riəl◂/ [adjective only before noun]
connected with being a manager - use this about the jobs that managers do or the skills that they need :
▪ This is her first managerial job.
▪ This is the biggest crisis of his managerial career.
▪ Managerial skills and technical expertise are often in short supply.