Meaning of SLIDE in English


1. to move smoothly across a surface

2. a surface that makes you slide


see also




1. to move smoothly across a surface

▷ slide /slaɪd/ [intransitive/transitive verb]

to move smoothly across a surface, or to make something do this :

▪ We slipped and slid, losing our balance on the ice

slide around

▪ The children were having a great time, sliding around on the polished floor.

slide off/across/along etc

▪ Several glasses slid off the tray and crashed to the floor.

▪ Harry slid across the bench so he was sitting next to me.

slide something across/along/towards etc

▪ ‘Your money,’ said White, as he slid a roll of banknotes across the table.

▪ Fold the omelette over, slide it onto a plate, and serve immediately.

▷ glide /glaɪd/ [intransitive verb]

to move smoothly and quietly across a surface, especially in a graceful way :

▪ Your skis should glide naturally as you move across the snow.

glide across/along/around etc

▪ A swan glided across the surface of the lake.

▪ The rattlesnake can see in the dark and makes no noise as it glides along.

▷ slither /ˈslɪðəʳ/ [intransitive verb]

to slide across a slippery surface in a series of movements :

slither away/off/across etc

▪ The snake slithered away through the grass.

▪ Tom slithered down the muddy bank into the water.

▪ As Katie fell asleep her book fell from her hands and slithered off the bed.

▷ slip /slɪp/ [intransitive verb]

to accidentally slide a short distance, especially so that you fall down :

▪ He slipped and fell. I think he’s broken his arm.

slip on

▪ As the boys went down the path they slipped on the wet leaves.

slip down/across etc

▪ These glasses keep slipping down my nose.

▷ skid /skɪd/ [intransitive verb]

if something skids, especially a car or a bicycle, it suddenly slides as it is moving along and is difficult to control :

▪ The car in front of me skidded and I slammed the brakes on to avoid it.

skid across/along etc

▪ Nineteen people were injured today when a bus skidded off the road into a ditch.

skid on

▪ They set off down the road, the dogs skidding on the hard packed snow.

skid to a halt/stop

▪ She skidded to a halt, jumped off her scooter, and ran into the house.

skid [countable noun]

▪ Turn the steering wheel in the direction of, and not against, a skid.

▷ aquaplane British /hydroplane American /ˈækwəpleɪn, ˈhaɪdrəʊˌpleɪn/ [intransitive verb]

if a car aquaplanes or hydroplanes, it slides on a wet road :

▪ In wet weather cars sometimes aquaplane when you brake heavily.

▪ Porous asphalt tyres were developed to cut the risk of hydroplaning.

2. a surface that makes you slide

▷ slippery also slippy British spoken /ˈslɪp ə ri, ˈslɪpi/ [adjective]

a slippery surface is so smooth or wet that it is difficult to stand or move safely on it :

▪ Be careful - the floor is very slippery.

▪ The pavements are a bit slippy so we have to walk carefully.

▪ These boots give a good grip, even on slippery rocks.

slippery with

▪ In places, the towpath is slippery with mud.

▷ slick /slɪk/ [adjective] American

a surface that is slick is smooth and slippery :

▪ They couldn’t climb up the slick lime walls of the pit.

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