1. to suggest something
2. to make a formal suggestion in a meeting, report etc
3. to suggest someone as a suitable person for a job or official position
4. something that someone suggests
5. what you say to suggest something
see also
1. to suggest something
▷ suggest /səˈdʒestǁsəg-/ [transitive verb]
to tell someone your idea about what they should do, where they should go etc, or about what you and they should do together :
▪ ‘Why don’t you come with us?’ Alan suggested.
▪ It was a sunny afternoon, and Jim suggested a trip to the beach.
suggest (that)
▪ My Dad suggested that I should apply for the job.
▪ I suggest we take a break and finish this later.
suggest doing something
▪ It was raining heavily, and she suggested calling a taxi.
suggest where/how/when etc
▪ Can you suggest where we might be able to get a decent meal?
▷ make a suggestion /ˌmeɪk ə səˈdʒestʃ ə nǁ-səg-/ [verb phrase]
to suggest something that you think will help someone or will solve a problem :
▪ Mr Chairman - may I make a suggestion?
▪ One day her mother made a suggestion. ‘Why don’t you come back and live with your father and me?’
▪ A professional consultant will make suggestions about the most suitable clients to approach for your particular type of work.
▷ recommend /ˌrekəˈmend/ [transitive verb]
to suggest something to someone because you know that it is good and you are sure that they will like it :
▪ Can you recommend a good hotel near here?
recommend something to somebody
▪ Corfu was wonderful - I’d recommend it to anyone.
be highly recommended
people say that it is very good
▪ The hotel’s restaurant comes highly recommended.
2. to make a formal suggestion in a meeting, report etc
▷ propose /prəˈpəʊz/ [transitive verb]
to formally suggest that something should be done, especially at a meeting :
▪ The Russians proposed a treaty banning all nuclear tests.
propose (that)
▪ I propose that we discuss this at the next meeting.
▷ recommend /ˌrekəˈmend/ [transitive verb]
to officially suggest that something should be done, after you have considered the situation carefully :
▪ The report recommends a number of changes in the existing law.
recommend that
▪ The directors are recommending that shareholders accept Baldwin’s offer.
▷ put forward /ˌpʊt ˈfɔːʳwəʳd/ [transitive phrasal verb]
to suggest plans, proposals etc, especially in order to start discussions about something that needs to be decided :
▪ The United Nations has put forward a peace plan that it hopes will form the basis for discussions.
▪ Management initially put forward a number of proposals which were wholly unacceptable to the union.
▷ put something to/before /ˈpʊt something tuː, bɪˌfɔːʳ somebody/ [verb phrase]
to offer a group something such as a proposal or plan which they can accept or refuse :
▪ The Government has spent £1 million on putting its case to the public.
▪ We’re going to put our plans before the committee on Monday and we’ll just have to hope that they are approved.
▷ float /fləʊt/ [transitive verb not usually in progressive]
float an idea/plan etc
to suggest an idea, plan etc in order to find out what other people think about it :
▪ The administration had floated the idea of increased taxes on beer, spirits and tobacco.
▪ The following month, David floated the possibility of launching a new TV company.
▷ submit /səbˈmɪt/ [transitive verb]
to offer a proposal, application etc so that an official person or group can consider it and decide whether to accept it :
▪ Applications for planning permission must be submitted before noon tomorrow.
submit something to somebody
▪ We have submitted proposals for a new pay structure to the board of management.
▷ present /prɪˈzent/ [transitive verb]
to explain your ideas or plans to an official group so that they can decide whether to accept them :
▪ We shall give you reasonable time to prepare and present your proposals.
present something to somebody
▪ Ms Rogers will present her ideas to the Board at next week’s meeting.
present somebody with something
▪ We have been presented with a number of plans and will give careful consideration to all of them.
▷ be mooted /biː ˈmuːtə̇d/ [verb phrase]
if an idea or plan is mooted, it is suggested as something that could be done :
▪ The scheme was first mooted two years ago.
be mooted for
▪ A 3,000 house development has been mooted for the disused airfield.
3. to suggest someone as a suitable person for a job or official position
▷ suggest /səˈdʒestǁsəg-/ [transitive verb]
▪ All members are invited to suggest names.
suggest somebody for something
▪ Robert suggested his son for the vacant directorship.
▷ recommend /ˌrekəˈmend/ [transitive verb]
to suggest someone you know personally as suitable for a job or position, because you think they would do a good job :
▪ Ask friends to recommend babysitters. That’s the safest way.
▪ The first applicant was recommended by a friend of the boss.
recommend somebody for something
▪ Who would you recommend for this job, Stuart?
▷ put somebody’s name forward /ˌpʊt somebodyˈs ˈneɪm fɔːʳwəʳd/ [verb phrase]
to formally suggest someone, usually in writing, to be elected to an official or political position :
▪ The local Democratic party has put several names forward.
put sb’s name forward for
▪ The opposition leader announced that he would not be putting his name forward for re-election at the party’s annual conference.
▷ nominate /ˈnɒmɪneɪt, ˈnɒməneɪtǁˈnɑː-/ [transitive verb]
to suggest someone for an important job or prize, especially when people will vote to make a decision :
▪ We need a treasurer. Does anyone want to nominate somebody?
nominate somebody for something
▪ Jane Campion was one of the people nominated for the ‘Best Director’ award.
nominate somebody as something
▪ It was expected that he would nominate Bramwell as his successor.
nominate somebody to something
▪ The President has power to nominate people to certain key offices, including judge of the Supreme Court.
nomination /ˌnɒmɪˈneɪʃ ə n, ˌnɒməˈneɪʃ ə nǁˌnɑː-/ [countable/uncountable noun]
▪ His nomination as chief executive was approved by the board.
▪ the Democratic nomination for President the person nominated by the Democrats
▷ propose /prəˈpəʊz/ [transitive verb]
to formally suggest someone for an official position :
▪ At the last meeting, Mrs Williams was proposed by several members.
propose for
▪ I would like to propose Mr Harrison for the position of Party Treasurer.
4. something that someone suggests
▷ suggestion /səˈdʒestʃ ə nǁsəg-/ [countable noun]
something that someone suggests :
▪ We welcome any suggestions from our viewers as to how to improve our service.
make a suggestion
▪ She made some useful suggestions about places we could visit.
have a suggestion
want to make a suggestion
▪ Does anyone have any other suggestions?
suggestion about
▪ We liked your suggestion about changing the timetable.
suggestion that
▪ Barry ignored my suggestion that he should try phoning her again.
open to suggestions
willing to listen to ideas
▪ You must be flexible and open to suggestions in this job.
▷ proposal /prəˈpəʊz ə l/ [countable noun]
a formal or official suggestion that something should be done :
▪ They will consider our proposal at their next meeting.
put forward a proposal
make one
▪ Their role is to put forward proposals for change.
proposal to do something
▪ Their proposal to build a new airport has finally been rejected.
proposal for
▪ They forwarded a list of proposals for the safe disposal of nuclear waste.
▷ recommendation /ˌrekəmenˈdeɪʃ ə n/ [countable noun]
a suggestion made, for example, by an official person or group, especially a suggestion that is contained in a report :
make a recommendation
▪ The consultants have made several very good and valid recommendations.
accept a recommendation
▪ We accept that recommendation and will act on it as soon as possible.
on somebody’s recommendation
because someone has recommended it
▪ I bought the house on the realtor’s recommendation and have regretted it ever since.
▷ proposition /ˌprɒpəˈzɪʃ ə nǁˌprɑː-/ [countable noun]
a plan of action that is suggested, especially in business or politics :
▪ I’ll consider your proposition and let you know.
▪ We are prepared to look at any reasonable proposition from the council.
make a proposition
▪ I have a proposition to make.
5. what you say to suggest something
▷ can/may I make a suggestion /ˌkæn, ˌmeɪ aɪ ˌmeɪk ə səˈdʒestʃ ə nǁ-səg-/
use this to suggest something politely, especially when you think someone may be making a mistake :
▪ Can I make a suggestion? Try adding a little more flour.
▪ May I make a suggestion? I think we should stop and look at the map.
▷ I propose (that) /aɪ prəˈpəʊz (ðət)/ spoken
use this for formally suggesting something that you think should be done, especially at a meeting :
▪ I propose that we continue this meeting tomorrow.
▷ why don’t you/we/I etc /ˈwaɪ dəʊnt juː/ informal
say this when you think it would be a good idea to do something :
▪ Why don’t you wait for me downstairs? I won’t be long.
▪ If David wants someone to go with him, why doesn’t he ask Jacky? I’m sure she’d enjoy it.
▪ Why don’t we go watch a movie tonight?
▷ how about/what about /ˈhaʊ əbaʊt, ˈwɒt əbaʊt/ informal
use this to suggest something or offer something :
▪ ‘How about a brandy?’ said Tom.
▪ What about going out for lunch one day next week? When are you free?
▷ maybe/perhaps /ˈmeɪbi, pəʳˈhæps/ [adverb] spoken
use this to suggest something in a gentle way :
▪ Maybe we should try again tomorrow.
▪ Perhaps you ought to introduce her to my son. They should get on well.
▷ let’s /lets/
let’s go/have/do etc
use this when you want to suggest something that you and the people you are with should do :
▪ Come on, let’s dance.
▪ We both need a break. Let’s go away for the weekend.
let’s not
▪ Let’s not argue on our anniversary.
don’t let’s (British)
▪ Come on, don’t let’s waste any more time here.
▷ we may as well /wiː ˌmeɪ əz ˈwel/
use this to suggest something that is not very interesting or exciting, when you do not have any better ideas :
▪ It’s too late to go to the movies so we may as well watch TV.
▪ I think we might as well buy this one. We’re not going to find anything cheaper.