1. the world
2. things that affect or happen everywhere in the world
an area of the world : ↑ AREA
see also
1. the world
▷ the world /ðə ˈwɜːʳld/ [singular noun]
the planet we live on, and all the places on it :
▪ In some parts of the world, clean drinking water is very scarce.
all over the world
▪ You can buy Coca-Cola all over the world.
around the world
in every part of the world
▪ Scientists around the world have been conducting similar experiments.
▪ The ceremony was seen on television around the world.
the whole world
everyone and everything in the world
▪ For South Africa, and indeed for the whole world, 1990 was a year of great change.
▪ The two countries are trying to work out a peace deal with the whole world watching.
the best, fastest etc in the world/the world’s best, fastest etc
▪ It’s the world’s tallest building.
▪ At age 116, she was believed to be one of the oldest people in the world.
▷ earth/Earth /ɜːʳθ/ [singular/uncountable noun]
use this especially when you are comparing our world with the moon, stars, and other places in space :
▪ Light from the stars can take millions of years to reach Earth.
the earth/the Earth
▪ The earth revolves around the sun.
▪ Water is one of the Earth’s most important resources.
the largest/oldest/poorest something on earth
▪ Vietnam is among the poorest nations on Earth.
▪ The blue whale is the largest animal on Earth.
to earth
▪ The space shuttle returned safely to earth on December 9th.
▷ the planet /ðə ˈplænə̇t/ [singular noun]
use this especially when you are talking about problems that affect the environment :
▪ The massive volcanic eruption could affect the climate of the whole planet.
▪ Energy conservation is vital for the future of the planet.
▪ Ozone shields the planet from the effects of the sun’s ultraviolet radiation.
▷ the globe /ðə ˈgləʊb/ [singular noun]
use this especially when you want to emphasize the great distances or areas involved in something that happens or exists in the world :
▪ Water covers over half of the globe.
▪ Using satellites, television pictures can be seen on the other side of the globe almost instantly.
all over the globe
everywhere in the world
▪ This garden has exotic plants from all over the globe.
2. things that affect or happen everywhere in the world
▷ world /wɜːʳld/ []
use this to talk about something that exists everywhere in the world, affects the whole world, or is the best or most important in the world :
▪ The top 50 multi-national companies control about 80% of world trade.
▪ At that time Britain was a major world power.
▪ Islam is one of the great world religions.
world champion/record/expert
the best in the world
▪ The ice skating show features twelve Olympic and world champions.
▪ Jones is a world expert in genetics.
▷ global /ˈgləʊb ə l/ [adjective only before noun]
affecting the whole world - use this especially to talk about political or economic situations :
▪ Campaigners have called for a global ban on landmines.
▪ Multinational companies create, in effect, a global economy.
global warming
a global increase in temperature
▪ Scientists at an international conference have been discussing global warming and its possible effects.
▷ worldwide /ˌwɜːʳldˈwaɪd◂/ [adjective only before noun]
existing or happening in every country of the world :
▪ There is a worldwide shortage of oil.
▪ The concert attracted a worldwide television audience of over a billion people.
worldwide [adverb]
▪ Sea levels are expected to rise worldwide by 2100.
▷ globalization also globalisation British /ˌgləʊbəlaɪˈzeɪʃ ə nǁ-lə-/ [uncountable noun]
when companies from one country operate in and affect countries all over the world, for example by selling their goods there, having factories there, employing people there etc :
▪ Some see the spread of English as an international language as just another consequence of globalization.
▪ Globalization often means that poorer countries become too dependent on foreign investment, with the result that their own development suffers.
▪ There were widespread anti-globalization demonstrations at the World Environmental summit yesterday, leading to the arrest of dozens of protestors.