BAD : I didn't find the contents of the novel very interesting.
GOOD : I didn't find the content of the novel very interesting.
See note at CONTENT (↑ content )
BAD : The content of the latest peace talks is still a secret.
GOOD : The contents of the latest peace talks are still a secret.
BAD : The cover page tells you about the magazine's content.
GOOD : The cover page tells you about the magazine's contents.
content (WITHOUT s ) = the (interesting) facts, ideas or opinions expressed in a book, film, essay, speech etc: 'His letters tend to have very little content.'
contents (WITH s ) = (1) all the (interesting and unintersting) things that are inside something: 'The customs officer opened my suitcase and examined the contents.' (2) all the things that are written or talked about in a book, report, letter, discussion etc: 'The contents of the diary are strictly confidential.', (3) a list at the front of a book, report, thesis, etc, saying what each chapter or section is about: 'If you want to know which chapters to read, just look at the contents.'