[con.tent] adj [ME, fr. MF, fr. L contentus, fr. pp. of continere to hold in, contain--more at contain] (15c): contented, satisfied
[2]content vt (15c) 1: to appease the desires of
2: to limit (oneself) in requirements, desires, or actions [3]content n (1579): contentment "ate to his heart's ~" [4]con.tent n [ME, fr. L contentus, pp. of continere to contain] (15c) 1 a: something contained--usu. used in pl. "the jar's ~s" "the drawer's ~s" b: the topics or matter treated in a written work "table of ~s"
2. a: substance, gist b: meaning, significance c: the events, physical detail, and information in a work of art--compare form 10b 3 a: the matter dealt with in a field of study b: a part, element, or complex of parts
4: the amount of specified material contained: proportion