Meaning of DISPOSITION in English





Her cheerful disposition , sympathy, and tact made her popular.

A cheerful and supportive disposition is what you are being assessed for.


She was of a nervous disposition , Miss Kilspindie.

And any such aberration includes a nervous disposition toward children.


It makes a fine coupling for the E flat Quartet, being of a comparably sunny disposition .

Makes for strong bones and a sunny disposition .



I had been overwhelmed with duties as head of the government, and had made no dispositions for the emergency which occurred.

They determine whether to sentence him to prison, confine him in a psychiatric facility or make some other appropriate disposition .

It too had plenty of time to make its dispositions .

Thus he had already started to make dispositions for the future.


Never did she show any disposition to leave my chapel, where her repose was respected.

I c shows the disposition of wastes managed by commercial facilities in other states.

Id shows the disposition of wastes managed on-site.

Figure I 5. 1 b shows the disposition of wastes treated by commercial facilities within Ohio.


But such rectitude could only come when the inner disposition was right.

But Thieu Tri had chosen him as heir because of his mild disposition , and visitors to his court confirmed his moderation.

Her cheerful disposition , sympathy, and tact made her popular.

It also works to create a disposition of self-confidence and thus to keep gates open to new possibilities.

Once the private car and Tokimo were put solely at the disposition of Amy, Amelia, and Muriel.

The precise disposition , organisation and arrangement of these two discourses constitutes the basic fabric of Nizan's fictional technique.

This is not a film for those in search of easy entertainment or simple dispositions of good and evil.

This sense of order is a given, fundamental, rather than negotiated, disposition .

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