Meaning of IRRITATE in English



irritate your skin (= make it red or sore )

Some types of make-up can irritate your skin.




It irritates me when people give me phoney information.

That starting point will already have irritated two kinds of people .

For one thing, she was grateful that she was no longer the only inconvenient, disabled person irritating a crowd of people .

The writer's po-faced style occasionally irritates: do people really need reminding that cases of bubonic plague should be treated immediately?


The discharges irritate and make the skin sore; salivation may be profuse; the breath offensive.

It's fresh, pleasant to use, doesn't irritate skin and keeps me fresh all day.

The cleansing bar uses no animal fats or chemicals which can irritate the skin .

Don't pull strips straight up or you may irritate skin and break off hair.

I've tried loads of different mousses but most of them irritate my skin .

Washing-up can lead to dry hands but cleansing fluids, sprays and polishes can also irritate dry, sensitive skin .



People are familiar with them and can become confused and irritated when they change.

More and more, I had become irritated by the friendly presence of the old people at the table.

When this happens the esophagus becomes irritated and inflamed, causing a burning sensation that has the potential to awaken a sleeper.

At last one of them, an evil-tempered man, became irritated and gave him a blow.

Diapered skin can become irritated for a variety of reasons.


And some girl are so spoiled they get irritated if they serve the same dessert for lunch and dinner.

Perhaps I just got irritated from trying to make all the bits fit together and find the thread through the labyrinth.

So, every time I am offered assistance, I get irritated .


Raoul seemed irritated that there were problems with his youngest child.

He both nodded and shrugged, which seemed to irritate her.


After a while, the loud ticking of the clock began to irritate me.

I don't want to listen to muzak in stores - it irritates me.

Jean Paul's attempts to apologize just irritated me even more.

Nineteen percent of women will still use a beauty product, even if it irritates their skin.

Perfumes in soap can irritate skin.

That silly smile of hers always irritated me.

The pollen irritated my eyes, which were red and streaming with tears.


Anyway, I'd been very busy the day before and Doreen had irritated me for other reasons.

It irritates me when people give me phoney information.

That this objective has not been achieved continues to irritate Dublin.

The influx of refugees irritated the residents of Pusan.

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