Meaning of SINGLE-BREASTED in English



A double-breasted jacket needs no waistcoat, but one is quite acceptable with single-breasted .

Evening jackets should be double-breasted or single-breasted , with the appropriate conventional revers or lapels.

Left Navy single-breasted wool suit, £295, Aquascutum.

Opposite page: grey single-breasted pure New Wool suit, £225, from Blazer.

Opposite page: grey single-breasted pure New Wool suit, approx £450, by Hugo Boss.

Right Navy single-breasted wool suit, £500, Paul Smith.

The jacket was very fitted and single-breasted , cutting in sharp at the waist - which made the trousers balloon right out.

There's one single-breasted raincoat which has been in every collection for almost 20 seasons.

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