Meaning of SUCH in English



making such a fuss

I don’t know why you’re making such a fuss about it.

of great/such etc eminence

a scientist of great eminence

of such/this/similar etc magnitude

We did not think the cuts would be of this magnitude.

such a mess

My life’s such a mess .

such a relief

It's just such a relief to have found someone!

such and such

They will ask you to come on such and such a day, at such and such a time.

such and such

They will ask you to come on such and such a day, at such and such a time.

such occasions (= an occasion like the one mentioned or described )

He had a box of toys by his desk for such occasions.

That’s such a shame

I can’t imagine why they canceled your show, Tracy. That’s such a shame .

to such an extent that/to the extent that (= so much that )

He annoyed her to such an extent that she had to leave the room.


and the like/and such like

ever such a

He seemed ever such a young man to me.

His Dad's a doctor, you know, they live up on Quickedge, in ever such a nice house.

Pink curtains we had there and ever such a nice tea service.

Some one once gave me ever such a lovely little china cup when you was born, with pictures on it.

no such luck

At one point, I hoped this might be the twist, but no such luck .

He explains that although the parliament itself enjoys simultaneous translation facilities, the group meetings have no such luck .

If only there were a radio she would have turned it on, loudly, but, of course, no such luck .

Since it was Thanksgiving, I had no such luck .

The behavioral scientist has had no such luck .

The Defence Secretary announced that two regiments would be reprieved ... but no such luck for the Glosters.

The technician says no such luck .

Well, she could live with Zeus' lust, but no such luck .

there's no (such thing as a) free lunch


Such extreme conditions required thickly insulated clothing.

Few such experts know much about Russia's economy.

Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary.      Дополнительный английский словарь Longman DOCE5.