Meaning of TIME-LAPSE in English



Because the cells move very slowly the process is best seen when speeded up in a time-lapse film.

I picked up the National Geographic magazine and stared at a-series of time-lapse photographs of a blowhole in Yosemite.

In time-lapse films the first signs are pulsations by the cells where the gut will form.

It promises liberal use of time-lapse photography, aerial camera work and feature-film-quality musical scores.

Some first-time eaters may become alarmed as this happens, thinking they have somehow become the victim of a time-lapse photography gag.

There will be rotating images on screen of some of the exhibits and a time-lapse sequence of the Vesuvian eruption.

This induced the rapid onset of apoptosis which can be quantitated by time-lapse cinemicroscopy.

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