house noun, adjective BrE AmE haʊs
▷ houses ˈhaʊz ɪz -əz (!)
▶ ˈ house ˌ agent BrE AmE
▶ ˈ house ar ˌ rest, ˌ• •ˈ• BrE AmE
▶ ˈ house ˌ husband BrE AmE
▶ ˈ house lights BrE AmE
▶ ˈ house ˌ martin BrE AmE
▶ ˌ House of ˈ Commons BrE AmE
▶ ˌ House of ˈ Lords BrE AmE
▶ ˌ House of ˌ Repre ˈ sentatives BrE AmE
▶ ˈ house ˌ party BrE AmE
▶ ˌ Houses of ˈ Parliament BrE AmE
▶ ˈ house ˌ sparrow BrE AmE
house verb BrE AmE haʊz
▷ housed haʊzd
▷ houses ˈhaʊz ɪz -əz
▷ housing ˈhaʊz ɪŋ