Meaning of PHOTO- in English

photo- combining form

with stress-neutral suffix BrE AmE ¦fəʊt əʊ AmE ¦foʊt̬ oʊ

▷ — photomicrograph ˌfəʊt əʊ ˈmaɪk rə ʊ ɡrɑːf -ɡræf AmE ˌfoʊt̬ oʊ ˈmaɪk rə ɡræf

with stress-imposing suffix fəʊ ˈtɒ+ AmE foʊ ˈtɑː+

▷ — photometry fəʊ ˈtɒm ətr i -ɪtr- AmE foʊ ˈtɑːm-

Longman Pronunciation English Dictionary.      Английский словарь произношений Longman.