Meaning of BLOODY in English

I. blood ‧ y 1 /ˈblʌdi/ BrE AmE adjective , adverb spoken especially British English

1 . used to emphasize what you are saying, in a slightly rude way:

It’s bloody cold out there!

That’s a bloody good idea.

Bloody hell!

2 . bloody well used to emphasize an angry statement or order:

It serves you bloody well right.

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▪ violent /ˈvaɪələnt/ using force to hurt or kill people – used about people, crimes etc. Also used about films or books that contain a lot of violence:

a violent man who couldn’t control his temper


the increase in violent crime


The film is too violent to be shown to children.

▪ vicious /ˈvɪʃəs/ violent and dangerous, and seeming to enjoy hurting people for no reason:

a vicious attack on an unarmed man


We were surrounded by a gang of vicious thugs, armed with knives.

▪ rough /rʌf/ using force or violence, but not causing serious injury:

Some of the boys were being a bit rough with the younger kids.


There were complaints about rough treatment by the police.

▪ brutal /ˈbruːtl/ behaving in a way that is very cruel and violent, and showing no pity:

Idi Amin was a brutal dictator.


a particularly brutal murder


The prison guards were brutal and corrupt.

▪ savage /ˈsævɪdʒ/ attacking people in a particularly cruel way – used about people and fighting, especially in news reports:

a savage killer


There was savage fighting in the capital Mogadishu.

▪ bloody a bloody battle or war is very violent and a lot of people are killed or injured:

a bloody civil war


The Russians were engaged in a bloody battle against the German army.

▪ ferocious /fəˈrəʊʃəs/ a ferocious attack or battle is extremely violent. Also used about animals that are likley to attack in a very violent way:

The two armies fought a ferocious battle.


a ferocious beast


It was the most ferocious attack I have ever seen.

▪ fierce a fierce animal or person looks frightening and likely to attack people:

A fierce dog stood growling at the gate.


Bears are always fierce when they have young.


fierce bodyguards

▪ bloodthirsty a bloodthirsty person enjoys watching violence. A bloodthirsty story contains a lot of violent scenes:

In Mexico, humans were sacrificed to bloodthirsty gods.


a bloodthirsty tale of revenge

▪ gory showing or describing injuries, blood, death etc clearly and in detail:

a gory horror movie


The book was too gory for many readers.

II. bloody 2 BrE AmE adjective

1 . covered in blood, or bleeding

2 . with a lot of killing and injuries:

a bloody battle

3 . scream/yell bloody murder American English informal to protest in a loud very angry way:

She was furious, screaming bloody murder at the manager!

4 . bloody/bloodied but unbowed harmed by events but not defeated by them:

He emerged from the discussions bloody but unbowed.

III. bloody 3 BrE AmE verb ( past tense and past participle bloodied , present participle bloodying , third person singular bloodies ) [transitive]

to injure someone so that blood comes, or to cover something with blood

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