Meaning of BLOODY in English

[bloody] adj ; -est (bef. 12c) 1 a: containing or made up of blood b: of or contained in the blood

2: smeared or stained with blood

3: accompanied by or involving bloodshed; esp: marked by great slaughter

4. a: murderous b: merciless, cruel

5: bloodred 6--used as an intensive--sometimes considered vulgar -- adv -- blood.i.ness n syn bloody, sanguinary, gory mean affected by or involving the shedding of blood. bloody is applied esp. to things that are actually covered with blood or are made up of blood "bloody hands". sanguinary applies esp. to something attended by, or someone inclined to, bloodshed "the Civil War was America's most sanguinary conflict". gory suggests a profusion of blood and slaughter "exceptionally gory, even for a horror movie".

[2]bloody vt blood.ied ; (1530): to make bloody or bloodred [3]bloody adv (1676)--used as an intensive--sometimes considered vulgar

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