Meaning of CONFIRMATION in English

con ‧ fir ‧ ma ‧ tion AC /ˌkɒnfəˈmeɪʃ ə n $ ˌkɑːnfər-/ BrE AmE noun [uncountable and countable]

[ Word Family: verb : ↑ confirm ; noun : ↑ confirmation ; adjective : ↑ confirmed ≠ ↑ unconfirmed ]

1 . a statement, document etc that says that something is definitely true

confirmation of

There has still been no official confirmation of the report.

confirmation that

verbal confirmation that payment has been made

2 . a letter etc that tells you that an arrangement, date, time etc is now definite:

Most hotels require confirmation from a prospective guest in writing.

3 . a religious ceremony in which someone is made a full member of the Christian church

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.