Synonyms and related words :
John Hancock, OK, acceptance, affirmance, affirmation, agape, approbation, approval, ascertainment, asperges, aspersion, assurance, attestation, auricular confession, authentication, authorization, backing, backing up, baptism, bar mitzvah, bas mitzvah, bearing out, bolstering, buttressing, celebration, certification, check, checking, circumcision, circumstantiation, collation, comparative scrutiny, confession, corroboration, corroboratory evidence, countersignature, cross-check, deep-rootedness, deep-seatedness, determination, documentation, embedment, endorsement, ensuring, entrenchment, establishment, evidence, extreme unction, fixation, fixedness, fixity, fixture, fortification, go-ahead, green light, high celebration, holy orders, implantation, imprimatur, incense, infixion, inveteracy, invocation, invocation of saints, kiss of peace, lesser litany, litany, love feast, lustration, matrimony, nod, notarization, okay, pax, penance, permission, processional, proof, proving, proving out, ratification, reassurance, reassurement, reciting the rosary, reinforcement, rubber stamp, sanction, seal, seven sacraments, sigil, signature, signet, stabilization, stamp, stamp of approval, strengthening, subscription, substantiation, support, supporting evidence, telling of beads, testament, testimonial, the Eucharist, the confessional, the confessionary, the nod, undergirding, validation, verification, visa, vise, warrant, witness,