Synonyms and related words :
OK, accede, accept, acclimate, acclimatize, accommodate, accredit, accustom, acquiesce, adapt, addict, adjust, administer the Eucharist, affirm, amen, anoint, approve, assay, assent, assure, attest, audit, authenticate, authorize, autograph, back, back up, be sponsor for, bear out, bed, beef up, bind, bolster, bond, brace, brace up, break, break in, bring to test, buttress, case harden, certify, check, check and doublecheck, check out, check over, chrism, circumstantiate, clinch, collate, condition, consent, corroborate, cosign, countersecure, countersign, cross-check, cut and try, deep-dye, define, do duty, document, domesticate, domesticize, double-check, embed, encourage, endorse, engraft, engrave, ensure, entrench, essay, establish, etch, experiment, familiarize, fix, fortify, found, gentle, gird, give a try, give a tryout, give permission, give the go-ahead, give the imprimatur, give thumbs up, ground, guarantee, guaranty, habituate, harden, have a go, housebreak, impact, implant, impose, impress, imprint, infix, ingrain, initial, inscribe, insure, inure, invigorate, jam, justify, lay hands on, lodge, make good, minister, naturalize, nerve, notarize, officiate, orient, orientate, pack, painstakingly match, pass, pass on, pass upon, perform a rite, perform service, permit, plant, play around with, practice upon, print, probate, prop, prove, put to trial, ratify, recheck, recognize, refresh, reinforce, reinvigorate, research, restrengthen, road-test, root, rubber stamp, run a sample, sample, sanction, say amen to, scrutinize comparatively, seal, season, seat, second, secure, set, set in, settle, shake down, shore up, sign, sign and seal, sign for, sponsor, stamp, stand behind, stand up for, steel, stereotype, stiffen, strengthen, subscribe, subscribe to, substantiate, support, sustain, swear and affirm, swear to, take to, tame, taste, temper, test, toughen, train, triple-check, try, try it on, try out, undergird, underpin, undersign, underwrite, uphold, validate, verify, visa, vise, vouch, warrant, wedge, witness, wont,