Had it been the final confirmation of her suspicions?
But the final confirmation of this accord never came.
She had the final confirmation that Jenny was not Henry's child, so the original plan was going to suffice.
Eventually, satisfied that he had found what he wanted, the Doctor halted, waving the box around for final confirmation .
A curious fact which might seem at first to constitute an exception to this explanation turns out to provide further confirmation of it.
I could chortle at this further confirmation that Microsoft's operating systems are secure only when not connected to the Internet.
What we are witnessing is a further confirmation of the judgment that capitalism is in its death agony.
Fission-track also provides independent confirmation of dating results.
It seems that Hamilton received independent confirmation of how good the School was.
As with any newly proposed risk factor, independent confirmation of our results will be necessary.
There has been no official confirmation that the documents are genuine, although sources suggest that they are.
There was no immediate official confirmation .
He saw the knowledge in her face that he was already chairman - all he needed was the official confirmation .
Yes, I have changed insurance companies and, yes, I have asked for written confirmation of cover.
Your written confirmation includes an invoice for the balance due.
We will send written confirmation of your booking as quickly as possible.
Confirm delivery date and make sure you send written confirmation of all the details.
If in any doubt, we should ask the client for written confirmation of our understanding of the criteria.
The Senate leadership quickly gave its consent and we ran many of the confirmation hearings live.
At her Senate confirmation hearings , she wasted little time proving him right.
As is customary with appointees facing confirmation hearings , Albright declined to be interviewed for this article.
Lake is not granting interviews as he prepares for his confirmation hearings .
Some were raised in confirmation hearings .
During Senate confirmation hearings , Sen.
The Senate Judiciary Committee did not make her charges public and closed the confirmation hearings without calling her as a witness.
Andrew Cuomo had the combined feminine power of two dynasties backing him at his Senate confirmation hearings Wednesday.
It was widely agreed that the episode had damaged the public image of Congress and had discredited the confirmation process .
The Democrats need to relocate the middle ground between rubber-stamping nominees who are unacceptable and abusing the confirmation process .
The administration designed the package in hopes of winning speedy Senate confirmation for all three.
The post does not require Senate confirmation .
C., refused to hold a Senate confirmation hearing on the nomination.
At her Senate confirmation hearings, she wasted little time proving him right.
Lee appeared with her but did not speak in keeping with the traditional practice among nominees awaiting Senate confirmation .
During Senate confirmation hearings, Sen.
Andrew Cuomo had the combined feminine power of two dynasties backing him at his Senate confirmation hearings Wednesday.
It eased p to 34p on the news with investors also awaiting confirmation of a planned name change to Signet.
Lee appeared with her but did not speak in keeping with the traditional practice among nominees awaiting Senate confirmation .
It was suggested that the isoforms were the likely result of alternative splicing although this awaits confirmation .
For about a month, while he awaited confirmation as Attorney General, Ed Meese was also on hand.
I will await confirmation of these dates before I contact the owner of the site or arrange local publicity.
I find confirmation of this in the fact that in describing Pelops's wing of the gable he ends with Alpheus.
The existence of treachery finds confirmation elsewhere.
The crisis follows confirmation by Railtrack that the Hatfield crash has cost it £600m so far.
He saw the knowledge in her face that he was already chairman - all he needed was the official confirmation .
Sammler thought of him as a man who badly, even desperately, needed confirmation , support, and touch.
So I needed confirmation , a witness.
Diagnostic difficulties in those cases were related to confusing radiological and endoscopic appearances or failure to obtain histological confirmation of lymphoma.
A curious fact which might seem at first to constitute an exception to this explanation turns out to provide further confirmation of it.
All this contest provided was confirmation that this team is nowhere near what it claimed to be, and fading fast.
Fission-track also provides independent confirmation of dating results.
Once the carrier provides confirmation , the carrier transmits the relevant information to the new holder.
Evolutionary biology provides good confirmation of moral judgements.
It does not provide confirmation that the various conditions of s135 are satisfied.
It seems that Hamilton received independent confirmation of how good the School was.
The customer receives confirmation the purchase request has been forwarded, then he is given the name of the dealer.
Normally, you will receive confirmation at the time of booking. 3.
The bishops received word in February that a revised draft would receive Vatican confirmation if it were resubmitted.
The predominance of the United States in the world capitalist system received fresh confirmation .
I later received confirmation of my new job in a letter indicating a start date.
The Warranties generally require confirmation that a state of affairs exist at a certain date, eg Completion.
The post does not require Senate confirmation .
Decisions taken, said the Code, require papal confirmation , but a Council exercises supreme jurisdiction over the Church.
Abrams's White House appointment, however, required no congressional confirmation .
Extrapolations are, therefore, best seen as working hypotheses requiring confirmation by studies made on people.
It is normal practice for hotels to require confirmation from a prospective guest in writing.
Such a hypothesis requires , however, confirmation in a large group of patients.
This was unexpected and requires confirmation by continued follow up and other studies now in progress.
A hereditary Forest warden had therefore to seek royal confirmation if he wished to grant away his bailiwick.
I will seek confirmation from both parties as to the factual accuracy of any such memorandum.
Thomas won confirmation by a bare two votes, but the case never really closed.
Clinton had hoped to win confirmation of Rohatyn by packaging it with his reappointment of Greenspan.
When it comes to winning Senate confirmation of their Cabinet choices, presidents have history on their side.
The administration designed the package in hopes of winning speedy Senate confirmation for all three.
I'm still waiting for confirmation from the travel agency about my tickets.
Earl Robert stood tranquilly where he was, and bowed away the necessity for any such confirmation .
Powell was equally reassuring and calming in his Senate confirmation testimony.
Such confirmations merely indicate that some theory that was well established and regarded as unproblematic has been successfully applied once again.
The development of the law along these lines is recent and confirmation of it by an august Commission is ominous.
The guilty finding and sentence are subject to confirmation .
The matter seemed to lie beyond the pale of any definitive confirmation .
Your written confirmation includes an invoice for the balance due.