Meaning of EVENT in English

e ‧ vent S1 W1 /ɪˈvent/ BrE AmE noun

[ Word Family: noun : ↑ event , ↑ non-event , ↑ eventuality , ↑ uneventfulness ; adverb : eventfully ≠ ↑ uneventfully , ↑ eventually ; adjective : ↑ eventful ≠ ↑ uneventful , ↑ eventual ]

[ Date: 1500-1600 ; Language: Latin ; Origin: eventus , from the past participle of evenire 'to happen' ]

1 . INTERESTING/EXCITING [countable] something that happens, especially something important, interesting or unusual:

one of the most important events in the history of mankind

2 . SOCIAL GATHERING [countable] a performance, sports competition, party etc at which people gather together to watch or take part in something:

The conference was an important social event (=an event at which people can meet each other) .

one of the major sporting events of the year

charity/fundraising etc event

The school raises money by organizing fundraising events.

3 . RACE/COMPETITION [countable] one of the races or competitions that are part of a large sports competition:

The next event will be the 100 metres.

The 800 metres is not his best event.

⇨ ↑ field event , ↑ three-day event

4 . in any/either event ( also at all events ) used to say that something will definitely happen or be true in spite of anything else that may happen SYN in any case :

I might see you tomorrow, but I’ll phone in any event.

5 . in the event used to emphasize what actually happened in a situation as opposed to what you thought might happen SYN as it happened :

Extra police officers were brought in, although in the event the demonstration passed off peacefully.

6 . in the event of something ( also in the event that something happens ) used to tell people what they should do if something happens:

He left a letter for me to read in the event of his death.

7 . in the normal course of events if things happen in the normal way SYN normally :

In the normal course of events, the money is released within about three months.

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COLLOCATIONS (for Meaning 1)

■ adjectives

▪ a big/major event (=important)

Getting married is a major event in anyone’s life.

▪ an important/significant event

It’s natural to be nervous before such an important event.

▪ a momentous event (=very important)

the momentous events of 9/11

▪ a historic event (=very important in a country’s history)

The signing of the peace treaty was a historic event.

▪ a dramatic event (=very exciting)

The dramatic events will be brought to you live on BBC.

▪ a tragic event (=very sad)

Let’s not talk about the tragic events of the past.

▪ a traumatic event (=very upsetting)

He was forced to relive the traumatic events of his kidnap.

▪ a common/an everyday event

The death of a child was a common event in those days.

▪ a rare/unusual event

A sighting of a white deer is a rare event.

▪ recent events

Recent events in the country have caused great concern.

▪ the latest events

We will be bringing you news of all the latest events.

▪ current events

There are some similarities between what happened in the 1920s and current events in the US.

■ verbs

▪ an event happens/takes place ( also an event occurs formal )

The event took place last year.

▪ events unfold (=happen, usually in an exciting or unexpected way)

I watched the dramatic events unfold from my window.

▪ events lead (up) to something (=cause something)

His assassination was one of the events that led to the First World War.

▪ the events surrounding something (=the events that are closely related to a situation)

The events surrounding her death remain a mystery.

▪ celebrate/commemorate/mark an event (=do something to show that you remember it)

Fans observed a minute’s silence to commemorate the tragic event.

▪ witness an event (=see it happen)

Luckily, a film crew were on the spot to witness the event.

▪ record an event (=write down or photograph what happened)

Two photographers recorded the events.

■ phrases

▪ a series/sequence of events (=related events that happen one after the other)

The incident was the first in a series of events that finally led to his arrest.

▪ a chain of events (=a series of events where each one causes the next)

He set in motion a chain of events that he couldn’t control.

▪ the course of events (=the way in which a series of events happens)

Nothing you could have done would have changed the course of events.

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COLLOCATIONS (for Meaning 2)


▪ a social event (=an event at which a group of people meet and spend time together for pleasure)

I don’t go to many social events since my husband’s death.

▪ a sporting event

Many of the weekend’s major sporting events were cancelled due to bad weather.

▪ a cultural/musical event

a monthly guide to the cultural events in London

▪ a charity/fund-raising event

Forthcoming fund-raising events include a sponsored five-mile walk.

■ verbs

▪ hold/stage an event (=organize a public event)

The charity plans to stage several fund-raising events this year.

▪ go to an event ( also attend an event formal )

Unfortunately, the prime minister will not be able to attend the event.

▪ support an event (=pay to attend a charity event in order to encourage it )

I’d like to thank everyone who came tonight for supporting the event.

▪ boycott an event (=refuse to go to an event as a protest)

The games went ahead despite threats to boycott the event.

▪ sponsor an event (=give money to an event, especially in exchange for the right to advertise)

The event is sponsored by the Royal Bank of Scotland.

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▪ event something that happens, especially something important, interesting, or unusual:

He spoke of the tragic event in which more than 100 people died.


recent political events

▪ occurrence /əˈkʌrəns $ əˈkʌrəns/ formal something that happens – used especially when saying how often something happens:

Divorce is a common occurrence these days.


Storms like this one are fortunately a rare occurrence.


Accidents are almost a daily occurrence on this road.

▪ incident something that happens, especially something that is unusual or unpleasant, or something that is one of several events:

He died after a violent incident outside a nightclub.


This latest incident could put an end to his career.

▪ occasion an important social event or celebration:

She only wore the dress for special occasions.


It was his 100th birthday, and friends and family gathered to mark the occasion.

▪ affair [usually singular] something that happens, especially something shocking in political or public life which involves several people and events:

The affair has caused people to lose confidence in their government.

▪ phenomenon /fɪˈnɒmənən, fɪˈnɒmɪnən $ fɪˈnɑːmənɑːn, -nən/ something that happens or exists in society, science, or nature, especially something that is studied because it is difficult to understand:

natural phenomena such as earthquakes


Homelessness is not a new phenomenon.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.