Meaning of GELDOF, BOB in English

Gel ‧ dof, Bob /ˈɡeldɒf $ -ɔːf -ɑːf/ BrE AmE

(1954–) an Irish musician who was the singer with the group The Boomtown Rats, but is best known for starting the ↑ charity Band Aid in 1984 in order to collect money for people dying from ↑ hunger (=not having enough to eat) in Ethiopia. He organized the Live Aid concerts in 1985, and persuaded famous musicians to work together to make the record Do They Know It’s Christmas? , the money from which was given to Band Aid. In 2005 he also organized the Live 8 concerts to make people know about African problems such as debt and AIDS

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.