Meaning of RECESS in English

I. re ‧ cess 1 /rɪˈses, ˈriːses $ ˈriːses, rɪˈses/ BrE AmE noun

[ Date: 1500-1600 ; Language: Latin ; Origin: recessus , from the past participle of recedere ; ⇨ ↑ recede ]

1 . [uncountable and countable] a time during the day or year when no work is done, especially in parliament, law courts etc:

Parliament’s summer recess

2 . [uncountable] American English a short period of time between lessons at a school when children can go outdoors and play SYN break British English :

Her favorite things at school are music and recess.

3 . [countable] a space in the wall of a room, especially for shelves, cupboards etc SYN alcove

4 . the recesses of something the inner hidden parts of something:

the deep recesses of the cave

fears hidden away in the darker recesses of her mind

II. re ‧ cess 2 /rɪˈses $ ˈriːses, rɪˈses/ BrE AmE verb [intransitive]

especially American English if a government, law court etc recesses, it officially stops work for a period of time

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