I. ˈrēˌses, rə̇ˈses, rēˈses noun
( -es )
Etymology: Latin recessus, from recessus, past participle of recedere to withdraw, recede — more at recede
1. : the action of receding : recession
the recess of the tides
(1) : a hidden or retired place
the recesses of the echoing mountains — John Muir †1914
took from some recess in his crumpled clothing a copper coin — Pearl Buck
(2) : an inner or concealed part of something
sought to lay bare the recesses of the soul — R.W.Southern
explore the hidden recesses of the mind — C.B.Tinker
illuminating the recesses of American politics — Times Literary Supplement
b. : a secret hiding place or retreat
there I lay close covered o'er in my recess — Robert Browning
a. : an indentation in a straight line or in a surface bounded by a line conceived of as straight : cleft
a large recess in the steep, rocky bank — American Guide Series: Maine
b. : alcove
lazily reading in an armchair in the pleasant recess where the books are — Rachel Henning
c. : a cleft in a living body : sinus
a. : a suspension of business or procedure (as of a legislative body, court, school) for a comparatively short time : a usually brief vacation period
most members of Congress took advantage of the Easter recess to go back to their home districts — Springfield (Massachusetts) Union
the justices adjourned for their summer recess — New York Times
recess from December 21 to January 4 inclusive — Official Register of Harvard University
b. : a period lasting from 10 minutes to an hour that intervenes between the class or study periods of a school day and is used for rest, play, or lunch
[Medieval Latin recessus, from Latin, act of receding, going away; from the practice of writing up the decrees before the members of the diet departed]
: a decree or ordinance of a diet of the Holy Roman Empire or the Hanseatic League
the Frankfort recess
II. verb
( -ed/-ing/-es )
transitive verb
1. : to put into a recess : conceal or seclude in a recess : set back
recessed lighting fixtures
in the school auditorium are four recessed mural panels — American Guide Series: Michigan
2. : to make a recess in
recessed type
3. : to interrupt the course or sitting of for a comparatively short period
recessed contract negotiations until this week — Newsweek
can recess the Senate when its work is done — Time
intransitive verb
: to take a recess
the court will now recess for lunch