/ri ses", ree"ses/ , n.
1. temporary withdrawal or cessation from the usual work or activity.
2. a period of such withdrawal.
3. a receding part or space, as a bay or alcove in a room.
4. an indentation in a line or extent of coast, hills, forest, etc.
5. recesses , a secluded or inner area or part: in the recesses of the palace.
6. to place or set in a recess.
7. to set or form as or like a recess; make a recess or recesses in: to recess a wall.
8. to suspend or defer for a recess: to recess the Senate.
9. to take a recess.
[ 1510-20; recessus a withdrawal, receding part, equiv. to reced ( ere ) to RECEDE 1 + -tus suffix of v. action, with dt > ss ]
Syn. 1. respite, rest, break, vacation.